Bioware prolly had it taken down ... Hehe bioware when they accept someone into beta . they first send you a letter from there offices in austin . then they send you a package which is the nda ... it's a 25 page legal letter sized document .requiring you to read an sign it . in it is the usual clauses , along with a 7 page bit , that a major violation of the nda , will and can result in legal actions . along with stiff fines of upwards of 35 000 usd . After you sign off on that you send it back to bioware . they in turn send you the dvd install disks .and the beta key .
Also the idiot who leaked the video also listed all of his characters , and had a combined 5 hours worth of video footage . Bioware was less then thrilled by this breach ... AN have issued all beta testers an updated outline of what any thing can be leaked . the video uploader . was removed from beta testing by bioware . and that account is now perma banned . the accounts payment info also has been kept on file by bioware , any new accounts that user creates will also be perma banned . there not kidding around .
biowares even gone so far as to outright ban accounts in beta that have openly advertised credit farming .