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I think it is about time we hit events in space!

Basically there is huge numbers of players in PvP events on the server we play on, so I am wondering if SBR once again would like to attend to those, as I think it would be something for us to do!

We could bring our starfighters, Gun Boats and POB ships for stuff like this, IT does not matter if the ones of you are in experienced in space pvp if you got a loaded out ship, just go up there and get experienced by flying!

Been thinking about making our own internal flightschool thing in which is basically just about the basics and how to get started.

Anyhow with the numbers in SBR we already got we should exploit that side of the matter and well show those bastards out there who we are and what we stand for =)

Also this in general is alot of fun and well SBR sticking together in there own group would be amazing.

Last event had up to 85 players doing stuff, it was a kill the gunboat or STardestroyer/freedom station bash, since there is only very few people outside SBR I can actually fly with myself I think we should join up in these events, they are every saturday, will bring alot of fun and if you get good at killing then per player killed is around 120 to 250+ GCW per player killed.

What do you guys think about it? will do my best during this week to get all geared up for it eg borrowing you guys some of the gear I wont be needing myself during it on cost of I would need my private stuff back after the event of course hehe Smile

I took Tibs and Mep up in yesterday's event, and I'll admit there were plenty of people up there. It was fun, for the most part I think, but the people who run these events still haven't changed. They've got sticks up their asses so far they're coughing up bark.

So long as I'm around, though, I'm all for going to the events on Saturdays. I wasn't even sure they still existed until yesterday evening. So, yeah, count me in and all that. As for the internal flight school, doesn't sound like too bad of an idea, either. Wouldn't mind dusting off my old Rebel Star Flight School trainer uniform again, though I could probably use a little training nowadays myself. =)

give a damnabout those people we SBR can muster our own groups where we are not limited by having to join up with any of those!

Sonic Wrote:I took Tibs and Mep up in yesterday's event, and I'll admit there were plenty of people up there. It was fun, for the most part I think, but the people who run these events still haven't changed. They've got sticks up their asses so far they're coughing up bark.

So long as I'm around, though, I'm all for going to the events on Saturdays. I wasn't even sure they still existed until yesterday evening. So, yeah, count me in and all that. As for the internal flight school, doesn't sound like too bad of an idea, either. Wouldn't mind dusting off my old Rebel Star Flight School trainer uniform again, though I could probably use a little training nowadays myself. =)

/grants training to sonic!

QuorTek Wrote:give a damnabout those people we SBR can muster our own groups where we are not limited by having to join up with any of those!

The only problem with that is the people running the bloody events are the worst. They're so anal about it that they forget that it's meant for fun rather than who has the better score at the end, or whether or not one ship was out of place. No one's even keeping track anymore, for Christ's sake.

They gave up trying to tell me what to do whenever I joined a pvp Tongue

Sonic Wrote:The only problem with that is the people running the bloody events are the worst. They're so anal about it that they forget that it's meant for fun rather than who has the better score at the end, or whether or not one ship was out of place. No one's even keeping track anymore, for Christ's sake.

well we don't have to follow there orders, we just have to follow the event rules, and by being different in a big group of people takes down the opposing faction... never said we should run along with these guys we don't have to, what we can do as persons is to run in the opposite direction and kick some butt and by that be having a hell of alot of fun.

It is just saying when the briefing is being done that SBR would be more independent than all these and to not expect from us that we would be the sitting duck or whatever, with that they would be forced to do our thing and maybe be able to see the light, but we need the numbers in SBR for doing it hehe Smile

I think this is a great way to get more of our great guild active and involved in the game. Most of you that have had interaction with me know that I would love to see full squadrons of us in action.

I am a former Marine so I like to wear uniforms, chains of command and the like. I cant help it, however, I am not askin for things to be imposed on guildies. More along the lines that involvment and getting into character can bring real enjoyment and fun back to the game for many of us.

Another thing that SBR enjoys is that most of, if not all of, our spacers are just dang good at it. Both in their flying and marksmanship.
I could see us rockin the Galaxy with our numbers and our skill. I can see us as part of the event planing and running of said events. That should be a part of our Wing and Squadron Commanders jobs.

Training, in formations and tactics, flying of the different types of ships, heck, maybe even gunning pratice just to hone or fine tune our skills could be fun. We have one of the best SW's in the game who is more than willing to plan load outs for the different types of ships and work with our pilots on what is best for the ship they fly.

One of the things I love, and loved about SWG, is that it was a big sandbox that allowed each person to make their own content. This is a place that we can shine and make our own content as well. I know that a lot of choices were lost when the NGE hit, but, that does not mean that all is lost.

I would love to hear other rebel guilds say, "SBR is here, we are in great shape now". Hehe, or even better yet when the Imps see us that they would say, "Holy Crap batman, we are in deep dodo now, SBR is here "!! Hehe, corny I know, but hey I can dream, /grin.

SWG is still a good game, not as good as it once was, sadly. But where else can we come together in space and rock the house ?? I dont want to leave out the ground game, but I think that space is a great starting point for us to get back into the game as a guild and a great place for SBR to shine !!

Tiberious Respec Jedi CL 90, Dang that Dreded NGE

Tibber D'tiger Officer CL 46, Recpec Ent Lvl 90

Return with Honor

SW:TOR Beta Testing Squadron 238

Event is up, am sure it would be alot of fun, if drama occurs ignore it, it happens once and a while due to some people got a huge ego Tongue

Link below will fill your guys in on this and that and lead from the thread here to the post on the pilot forum about the event.

Unfortunately atm I'm "grounded" and wont be on galaxies for abit I'll try to be back by mid March.
* SBR_Scythe tosses RSFS_Cheif a Coke
<SBRLestat> a sprite for me scythe
<SBR_Starfire> Hey Scythe, I'll have a cock
<SBR_Starfire> oh my god
<SBR_Starfire> I'm never going to live that one down am I?
<SBR_Scythe> nope

I will not be attending this weekend as I have prior engagements.

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