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QuorTek Wrote:LA is known for screwing up there games as well or getting them screwed up, Cillian, don't be stubborn.

Only kind of complete companies out there can be counted on one hand.. Valve for an instance to mention one of the hardcores.

Activision actually did some good shit and some bad shit over the years for the blizzard thing... but it is still for blizzard games the people from the old days that is still behind there games I believe.. WarCraft and StarCraft they have made from the beginning... and they got Diablo series as well.

Starwars is a rent out franchise from LA which is different... the people that make the games in general are other companies... but LA publishing it or whatever, it is cheaper for them to earn cash that way.

The merge with Activision probably was a clever strike as Activision to some extend got experience with FPS games... StarCraft 2 engine is supposed to have those features as well.

I'm not being stubborn, it's some of the people here who are being stubborn like you and Kat who can't say anything good about the game even when it has already displayed great game quality yet you continue to dismantle anything good about the game. When has Bioware ever failed us before? they haven't that's why I know this game won't let us down. Meanwhile you say Bioware doesn't listen, but how do you know this? they haven't done a MMO before, if Bioware didn't listen they wouldn't have a suggestion forum now would they?

It's not the same bioware. Bioware Austin is actually composed of many old SWG developers and producers. They guys up in canadan make different games.

And they have a forum because they want people coming to a place they control.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

then Bioware needs to step up an show more of the meat & spuds guts of the mmo . Not just a few fancy shots of partial game play . What they have shown is nothing more then mere fluff to build hype an suspension for the game so everyone will want to go out an buy it . It's called marketing .

I have not seen a single bit of window dressed eyecandy that biowares given us by way of videos an trailers to warrent having a Multiple Geekgasm over . In fact it looks too cookie cutter for what your being shown that we haven't already gotten from the other 100000 mmo's running around out there . Nothing is cutting edge or even remotly new and exciting .

Where's the space portions of the game ? how large are the planets ? Are they all instanced crap like kotor ? or full scaled planets like swg ? . Since the game was announced back in 2008 we have never had those questions amung many others really answered .

So until bioware steps up an gives alot more of a reveal then the window eye candy shown I'm still skeptical about the game . I've been burned by hype and dissapointed mmo's for a long time . I'm viewing this title with a cautious optimisim but so far not impressed with what I've seen to date .

I am agreeing.. does it have what it takes to stop me from playing the current MMOs I am on...

I am not interested at all with the showdowns and what shown has not impressed me to much really as in seen it before and done better as well, it is that it is about.

It doesn't matter if it is BW or whomever else... the game need to show what it is about and how the gameplay is... I am not impressed with any of the videos shown so far... and I am trying to be honest about it... it requires more than just a starwars badge to sell the product to me and I am not some insane fanboy that just want the game because it is starwars... what inspired me for playing in SWG was several things.. when NGE happened I was most on space.. held breaks... came back when it was good again.. held another break... instances arrived and the likes and it was liek fun for yet 2-3 months again.. and then perma quit... merely for just logging into the game and remaining AFK with nothing to do as there is no actual content to head towards... it requires more than PvP to keep me at it... it requires my friends as well... all my friends has stopped playing SWG except for a few... no reason to be playing the game because I would feel lonely all the time.

Got some friends playing Perfect World... the game appeals to my play style... and for a free game with build in posibility for taking on different micro transactions it is actually pretty darn good as well as the people I play with are awesome except for one that reminds me of Atheu.

We are all allowed to have opinions and by far it is most of us who got opinions against SWTOR at current stage, please respect that instead of causing a drama by it.. it is fine to say whatever... but most of us got our own idea how things would be... and untill now... then personally I cannot see myself playing it as it would be stupid to pay 15 bucks a month for something that I am already playing for free.

Q, don't you find it a bit hypocritical to be complaining that SWTOR has things you've seen before and that those things have been done better when the main game you're touting now, as you yourself said, "somewhat reminds one of WoW, it has some SWG moments... it has some Dragon Age elements"?

Just sayin'.

Quinlin Wrote:Q, don't you find it a bit hypocritical to be complaining that SWTOR has things you've seen before and that those things have been done better when the main game you're touting now, as you yourself said, "somewhat reminds one of WoW, it has some SWG moments... it has some Dragon Age elements"?

Just sayin'.

Owned Big Grin

QuorTek Wrote:I am agreeing.. does it have what it takes to stop me from playing the current MMOs I am on...

I am not interested at all with the showdowns and what shown has not impressed me to much really as in seen it before and done better as well, it is that it is about.

Got some friends playing Perfect World... the game appeals to my play style... and for a free game with build in posibility for taking on different micro transactions it is actually pretty darn good as well as the people I play with are awesome except for one that reminds me of Atheu.

We are all allowed to have opinions and by far it is most of us who got opinions against SWTOR at current stage, please respect that instead of causing a drama by it.. it is fine to say whatever... but most of us got our own idea how things would be... and untill now... then personally I cannot see myself playing it as it would be stupid to pay 15 bucks a month for something that I am already playing for free.

the last statement of why pay 15 a month for a rehashed mmo with the star wars name on it . when there are other mmo's out there that give you the exact same thing and ... there free .

that's being Owned .... what Quin mentioned was merely a question . An hardly cause for , " Owned " ...

Now someone somewhere earlier in the thread said stop fanboi ing it up . Yes Cill your geeked about tor . we got that memo years ago .... Myself an Quor an maybe some others have expressed were still waiting to be blown away an amazed at this alleged epicness of sw:tor . We haven't seen it yet .
Til we do were not going to jump up an down an get multiple geekgasms over an mmo that hasn't even been released for mass consumer useage .

til then just everyone pop some chill pills . Drink a few more Beer and go enjoy a sporting event . Or I dunno maybe Meryl can hook up cillian with a date . Tho given the level of cill's fanboi geekdom . I don't think there's enough hookers in Canada that could help Cill ...:thumbsup:Smile

At this point it will be hard for any new game to blow us away. That doesn't mean TOR won't be a good game. It means we can't be impressed by anything anymore. We are too old and seen this stuff too much. Ten years ago when the internet was new and 3D gaming was just starting out, just about anything new could blow us away. That is no longer the case.

In the end TOR will or will not be a good game no matter how many pols there are or aren't. We won't know how good or bad TOR is until the game is release, which is still a year away. It is hard to get too excited about any event a year away, unless you are 5 years old looking forward to christmas.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

kateria Wrote:the last statement of why pay 15 a month for a rehashed mmo with the star wars name on it . when there are other mmo's out there that give you the exact same thing and ... there free .

that's being Owned .... what Quin mentioned was merely a question . An hardly cause for , " Owned " ...

Now someone somewhere earlier in the thread said stop fanboi ing it up . Yes Cill your geeked about tor . we got that memo years ago .... Myself an Quor an maybe some others have expressed were still waiting to be blown away an amazed at this alleged epicness of sw:tor . We haven't seen it yet .
Til we do were not going to jump up an down an get multiple geekgasms over an mmo that hasn't even been released for mass consumer useage .

til then just everyone pop some chill pills . Drink a few more Beer and go enjoy a sporting event . Or I dunno maybe Meryl can hook up cillian with a date . Tho given the level of cill's fanboi geekdom . I don't think there's enough hookers in Canada that could help Cill ...:thumbsup:Smile

I have no problem with the ladies in fact i'm at the gym twice a week and they seem to be intriged by me with one of them even asking me "If i'll be joining the ab class today" and she definately doesn't count as a hooker Kat, in fact the majority of the women that go there are quite classy Wink

Cillian Harth Wrote:I have no problem with the ladies in fact i'm at the gym twice a week and they seem to be intriged by me with one of them even asking me "If i'll be joining the ab class today" and she definately doesn't count as a hooker Kat, in fact the majority of the women that go there are quite classy Wink

And when you wake up in the morning and she's gone, check your wallet, all the cash will be missing :tongue:

Meryl Haddox Wrote:And when you wake up in the morning and she's gone, check your wallet, all the cash will be missing :tongue:

sad but true, women are horrible lol

But no the girl isn't like that at all she's pretty sweet

Cillian Harth Wrote:sad but true, women are horrible lol

But no the girl isn't like that at all she's pretty sweet

Is she lookin' for a good time? Tongue

Quinlin Wrote:Q, don't you find it a bit hypocritical to be complaining that SWTOR has things you've seen before and that those things have been done better when the main game you're touting now, as you yourself said, "somewhat reminds one of WoW, it has some SWG moments... it has some Dragon Age elements"?

Just sayin'.

You don't get my point then, what I mean by that is at current point that any other game is doing it for me, then why should I switch game and grind my ass way to the top again?

Just Because it is starwars or startrek or whatever is not really relevant whenever it get to it.

Quinlin Wrote:Is she lookin' for a good time? Tongue

she has a boyfriend who lives out west, but it's a long distance relationship, so i'm not sure what she wants I guess she rather flirt for now lol

kateria Wrote:the last statement of why pay 15 a month for a rehashed mmo with the star wars name on it . when there are other mmo's out there that give you the exact same thing and ... there free .

that's being Owned .... what Quin mentioned was merely a question . An hardly cause for , " Owned " ...

Now someone somewhere earlier in the thread said stop fanboi ing it up . Yes Cill your geeked about tor . we got that memo years ago .... Myself an Quor an maybe some others have expressed were still waiting to be blown away an amazed at this alleged epicness of sw:tor . We haven't seen it yet .
Til we do were not going to jump up an down an get multiple geekgasms over an mmo that hasn't even been released for mass consumer useage .

til then just everyone pop some chill pills . Drink a few more Beer and go enjoy a sporting event . Or I dunno maybe Meryl can hook up cillian with a date . Tho given the level of cill's fanboi geekdom . I don't think there's enough hookers in Canada that could help Cill ...:thumbsup:Smile

I have to say, its rather sad that this has descended into personal attacks.. over a game... Tisk tisk...

Ever heard of agree to disagree? I'm surprised Nizzy hasn't kaiboshed this yet, being that the thread no longer has any real relevance, other than to be insulting to each other...

Just my 2 creds..

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