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We now need 55 people for rank 4 city

It say in the patch notes that it is now going to reflect for city upgrades as how it was for live, so we need 55 people now for a shuttle.

Well i set up the client. We'll see if I make it out of the space port.
If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it. - The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries

New updates, the patch will or should come out tomorrow the requirement has been lowered but still increased as in how it is.

Current numbers needed:
--Citizen requirement adjustment: Rank1=10, Rank2=20, Rank3=30, Rank4=45,Rank5=60. These values will continue to adjust as the server grows.

If we want our city to grow to level 4 or remain at level 3 we need either at least 30 people or finally bolstering up to 45 so we can get the shuttleport!

If you don't have at least 4 characters at current point, then keep in mind you can only create a new character per 24 hours, we have untill sunday to archieve our goals and we got to act now!! I wonder how many actually ready this stuff, but this is of concern of a high matter as I look upon it, especially if we want to start moving anywhere city wise.

Apparently the new character creation thing is only 30 mins. It says 24 hours, but according to about everybody I've talked to, that's wrong and they've just not changed it.

Well mr Kits want to join us =)

We got 47 citizens so we will have a shuttleport on sunday!

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