What are you guys talking about? The third is my favorite. I know I am in the minority here, but I really enjoyed it. Mr. Stahl and Ms. Danes did fantastic if you ask me. The story was good, the action was good, and yeah while it was basically the same thing as the first two, it wrapped the first series up nicely.
My only complaint with the new ones will be Mr. Bale. I have nothing against him as an actor. In fact, I think he is rather good. My contention is that he is already Bruce Wayne. Another high profile character like John Connor should go to another actor. (I would have kept Stahl, but that's just me.) It's just too much exposure. Batman is going to be fighting Terminators. Blah. It would be like the same actor playing Superman and James Bond. Or even Count Dooku and Saruman...
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.