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Guild warships?

That way it could actually work out, make it a mission/instance sort of though so the ship is not actually player owned, but the crew having to go through some events like you posted it, pilots gunners and shit... having all sides to provide... and hoping for a nice trip through space.

Make it though so it both can be done for PvP reasons and PvE reasons as well with of course bigger treasure if against other players due to the higher difficulty, seem to me like a very constructive way of putting stuff.

Your guild though should build up enough prestige though for it to be allowed to fly the ship for each attempt though, both pilots and ground people would have to get the prestige up high enough and that you would need equal parts of each so it is not just like space jockeys having to find ground people but would work as a co-op between ground and space to make it a posibility.

I dunno. I kinda like the idea. But then again Sonic and I have been clamoring for Capships for over a decade now. Since back in the XWA hacking days. Hehe. Good times.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Actually Sonic has his cap ship in eve right now. Not that you would know star.....
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

Actually we have 2 Capships active in EvE.... and Sonic has a third lying around in his hanger collecting dust...
"Ghost Legions? Bunch of common criminals... they shouldn't give us any problems sir." - Last transmission of Col. Henry Driver, 4th Tau Ceti Lancers.

I added a poll on the suggestions forum about Guild space stations and Capital Warships here

I'd like to see biowares offical release statements that show us exactly what they plan to do in space if anything for tor . After the show us that . We can focus / worry about what should or shouldn't be in space . Cill your getting a geekgasim over a game that is scheduled to be released in 14 months ... Alot can happen in that time . AN this is assuming the game launches on time ..

Let bioware I dunno maybe finish the game they want to release an give us some more actual usefull info . Before we go an add in rediculous crap that may never make it into the game . I haven't seen squat talked about regaurding the crafting system so there's good odds that is still in development . I also want to know how much copy cat stuff bioware doing in copying wow ....

Will it feel like a realistic mmo that comes alive like swg could in places ... Or is it gonna get watered down to look like a bad episode of clone wars cartoon where your surrounded by wanna be jar jar's running loose ...

kateria Wrote:I'd like to see biowares offical release statements that show us exactly what they plan to do in space if anything for tor . After the show us that . We can focus / worry about what should or shouldn't be in space . Cill your getting a geekgasim over a game that is scheduled to be released in 14 months ... Alot can happen in that time . AN this is assuming the game launches on time ..

Let bioware I dunno maybe finish the game they want to release an give us some more actual usefull info . Before we go an add in rediculous crap that may never make it into the game . I haven't seen squat talked about regaurding the crafting system so there's good odds that is still in development . I also want to know how much copy cat stuff bioware doing in copying wow ....

Will it feel like a realistic mmo that comes alive like swg could in places ... Or is it gonna get watered down to look like a bad episode of clone wars cartoon where your surrounded by wanna be jar jar's running loose ...

vote yes on my poll then if you want to see something done for space, I layed out all the iconic starwars facts in helping improve space content, just by all sticking together and helping bioware on improving the game by giving out suggestions like this one, is a start in the right direction

I hope you realize there are developers paid to come up with game mechanics. If they just copied and paste what random people posted on their forums into their design docs they wouldn't have a job anymore. There may even be some legal reasons why they don't touch fan made game mechanic documents.

Something I noticed about SWG, if you want something in the game, don't post it on their forums and just quietly hope they come up with it themselves.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

They usually do. About three years too late.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Well if they rate the game +18 years I am sure big things like this could happen in game as it is, but if it is like crawling with pre-teens and teens the game would lack the maturity to make it work proper.

VERY big things requires in some sort of way experienced minds and age to control properly as it is.

As for polls and the likes... it is not like that bioware has to take them into consideration, it is there game not ours whenever it gets to it, hopefully they see it fit to make the game right to begin with and not make combat upgrades and shit throughout time... EA can easely ruin the game as it is.. if they get the idea it should be like this or that... it will be like this or that even if bioware is against it... and since when has EA made/published a proper game out of the many they release that is good in a proper ratio?

1 out of 10-15 games maybe?

I seriously doubt tor is gonna be a mature rated game . It's star wars ... at best it'll be something like T for teens with a parental advisory on it . I don't see Tor being a mature rated game Despite there being strong darkside elements in the game . Bioware / EA/ LA won't make the darkside all THAT dark an disturbing . they'll dumb it down for a carebear evil ...

Cillian Harth Wrote:vote yes on my poll then if you want to see something done for space, I layed out all the iconic starwars facts in helping improve space content, just by all sticking together and helping bioware on improving the game by giving out suggestions like this one, is a start in the right direction

ahh Cill , you realize that the last time an mmo company listened to the focus study of suppoesed players ... *cough * soe *cough* ... we got the nge ....

I'm pretty sure Bioware Isn't that ficking stupid to repeat that fatal mistake .

kateria Wrote:ahh Cill , you realize that the last time an mmo company listened to the focus study of suppoesed players ... *cough * soe *cough* ... we got the nge ....

I'm pretty sure Bioware Isn't that ficking stupid to repeat that fatal mistake .

I think it is more of a problem with the bigger games tbh... I have to admit Icarus Studios, the ones that made Fallen Earth are actually listening to the player base. They have a suggestion forum on their official forums and they actually read it lol... For example, one of the biggest threads a couple months ago was people asking for Taverns/Bars and gambling.. and lo and behold we got just that right before Xmas. The gambling is mildly addictive... stupid blackjack made me lose all my chips... (money in the game is poker chips lol)

But the devs and GMs really seem to care about the game they made. No lie, there is at least 4 GMs on at any time and all you have to do is search for anyone over the max level.. ie) someone level 46+ and you can be guaranteed its a gm... and.... you can actually send them a tell! And they respond!

Just goes to show that it CAN be done... But the big companies, and in this I mean EA more than Bioware themselves, really only look at MMOs as investments, they could give two shits about the game otherwise. And I hate to say it, but Bioware is making the game yes... but EA is pulling ALLLLLLL the strings, and the game will be released when and how THEY, not Bioware, say so.

Just my 2 creds.

Sabriel777 Wrote:Just goes to show that it CAN be done... But the big companies, and in this I mean EA more than Bioware themselves, really only look at MMOs as investments, they could give two shits about the game otherwise. And I hate to say it, but Bioware is making the game yes... but EA is pulling ALLLLLLL the strings, and the game will be released when and how THEY, not Bioware, say so.

Just my 2 creds.

The ones EA aren't pulling are the ones LA are pulling to boot.
[Image: sig.jpg]

The problem is there is going to be a lot of company politics in the larger corps. To get ahead you have to be the friendly can do guy with all the great ideas while bad mouthing your competition behind their back. You can't be the "but the geeks on the forum want this and that which is what we should be doing". It just doesn't fly with the people who pay people to design games not read forums.
[Image: image.php?type=sigpic&userid=19&dateline=1208027303]

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