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Mysteries of Knights of the Old Republic

Starfire Wrote:I never even liked Revan. I was so pissed playing the first game when it was revealed that the character I created wasn't that person at all. Screw Revan, I want to know what happened to the Exile. She was cool.

What is it with you and pixelated chesticles, Star?

I'm not really that bad. I don't play Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball or anything. I just like strong female characters.

... did you just call them chesticles?!? LOL
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

Starfire Wrote:I just like strong female characters

You sure seemed to like the look of that Twi char I made the one time there Kirbs, not exactly a strong char either :tongue:

But she had nice chesticles! ... Damnit. I just incriminated myself.
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

this thread is starting to get interesting ...

Starfire Wrote:Damnit. I just incriminated myself.

Indeed you did, and I STILL have the photographic proof :tongue:

Starfire Wrote:I'm not really that bad. I don't play Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball or anything. I just like strong female characters.

... did you just call them chesticles?!? LOL

Yes,, yes I did. And only you would defend yourself by bringing up something that no one else was thinking of. DoA Beach Volleyball? Really? Ya don't play that? Why is it you're the only one who seemed to put those two together, then? ;p

LOL! This isn't a case of "Methinks the lady doth protest too much." I really haven't played that game. It just has over the top near pornography virtual ladies and I actually find it distasteful.

Now an attractive virtual blue Twilek? That I can live with. =)
"Return with Honor."-Saberwing motto.

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